Anyway this is how they wish for merry christmas in ireland. Irish is not spoken by the majority in ireland but there are statistics showing that there are more people learning irish around the world then there are irish speaking the language.
Merry Christmas Irish Greeting Nollaig Shona Duit Embroidery Etsy
The greeting has been africanized and here are 25 ways of saying merry christmas.

How do you say merry christmas in shona. They say merry christmas on the easter island the cayman islands jamaica and fiji too. In ireland merry christmas translates to nollaig shona dhuit 2 say feliz natal boas festas. In cities the carols are sung in evening time and the church services are organized in morning.
Muve nekisimusi inofadza pamwe negoredzva have a merry christmas and a happy new year. At the time of christmas in zimbabwe there is summer and no snow. December 25 is marked as the birthday of jesus christ by christians and it comes with the greeting merry christmas.
The christmas tree is fully decorated with lights and has lots of gifts around it. It all boils down to inscne grammatical gender. So the people express their feelings through blooming variety of white flowers.
Say merry christmas in irish. Merry christmas in zimbabwe. And some of you might be wondering why we use shona for christmas but sona for birthday as in lá breithe sona duit and i can just hear you all singing along to that well i mo shamhlaíocht.
Nollaig shona dhuit nnullig hun a ghitch happy christmas to you one person nollaig shona dhaoibh nnullig hun a gheev happy christmas to you plural in irishif you were to say happy. These gifts are for children so they can enjoy the day. If you ve been doing irish for a while you ve already picked up the fact that almost all nouns in irish have grammatical gender.
In this country. This is how you can wish a merry christmas from the bottom of your heart in practically all spanish speaking countries. Christmas is not an african festival but it was adopted into many cultures after the european invasion by former colonial masters portugal the netherlands and britain who imposed the christian religion on the traditional people.
There are about 20 that don t my rough count anyway ach sin scéal eile. People decorate their homes and a christmas tree at one corner. Nollaig shona duit thats how we say merry christmas in irish don t forget the duit i left it out lol.
December 25 is marked as the birthday of jesus christ by christians and it comes with the greeting merry christmas.